
宋豈瑄  Veronica Sung     ※閱覽議程

美商默沙東藥廠台灣、香港、越南/ 人力資源總監

Merck Sharp & Dohme (I.A.) LLC, Taiwan Branch/ HR Director


Veronica 在人力資源領域有超過20年的豐富經驗,橫跨不同產業領域及國家,包括菸草、保險、科技、消費性產品、交通運輸、及管理顧問公司。她目前擔任MSD(默沙東)的台灣、香港和越南的人力資源總監,負責人力資源全方面營運,並與領導團隊合作,確保最佳的人才和組織表現。

Veronica has over 20 years of extensive experience in the field of human resources, spanning across different industries and countries, including tobacco, insurance, technology, consumer products, transportation, and management consulting companies. She currently serves as the Director of Human Resources for MSD in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Vietnam, responsible for overall HR operations and collaborating with the leadership team to ensure optimal talent and organizational performance.


實踐人才賦權  打造職場的共好與共榮
Empowering Talent: Creating Workplace Excellence and Prosperity



Introducing successful talent empowerment strategies, including participatory management, learning and development opportunities, and flexible work arrangements. Emphasizing the importance of cultivating leadership skills and a culture of trust. Sharing insights on how to establish a positive work environment and supportive systems.


Fearlessly pursue your passion, break boundaries, and become a leader who promotes diversity and inclusion!